Portfolio Alignment
Portfolio & Sector Alignment

Sector Alignment
Sector Alignment/ITR: Highlights of new features and functionality for 2023
May 2023 (~6 min)
New! Whitepaper: Sector Alignment
The path to developing a transparent, robust, and decision-useful model.
OS-Climate shares (1) how it is measuring the alignment in line with long-term climate goals; (2) challenges around Scope 3 emission data; (3) learnings in generating credible temperature alignment results; and (4) future plans and its way forward.
▪ Real decarbonization requires that cumulative emissions stay within a
defined carbon budget
▪ Integrating all carbon emission scopes of a company without a clear
understanding of the set-up and underlying assumptions of a climate
benchmark generates meaningless results
▪ Estimations and uncertainty are important factors in understanding
sector alignment outcomes
Watch Videos About ITR
Driving Convergence around Portfolio Alignment Tools: Introduction to OS-Climate Implied Temperature Rise (ITR) Model
Oct 10 2022 @ 4:00 PM CEST/10:00 AM ET
Portfolio Alignment: ITR (Implied Temperature Rise) Tooling and Methodology
Speakers: Jared Westheim from Goldman Sachs, Leyla Javadova from Allianz, Ruben Haalebos from LSEG, Joris Cramwinckel from Ortec Finance
Summary: Learn more about our ITR tool architecture, design, and API. We dive into climate scenario selection, emissions projections, temperature calculations, and portfolio reporting.
Nov 2021